The 24 Signs a Cat Actually Likes Their Humans

A cat walking along a path outside.

Cats often get a bad rap for being aloof and indifferent to their humans’ needs. While they are indeed independent, cats are far from lacking affection. Although they won’t manifest their love outwardly like dogs do, they often show it subtly.

Here are signs you should be looking for if you wonder if your kitty loves you.

1. Slow Blinking

Oriental Shorthair
Image Credit: Cats rule / Wikimedia Commons / Public Domain.

If you’ve ever caught your kitty looking in your direction and slowly closing and opening their eyes, you’ve received a kitty smile that says your feline trusts you and enjoys your company. Try slowly blinking back at them; you’ll see them look away after a while. That’s their polite acknowledgment of your smile in their language.

2. Headbutting

Cat eyes closed, blink, sleepy, tired, resting, fluffy
Image Credit: Lisa Zins, CC BY 2.0/Wiki Commons.

When a cat headbutts their owners, it’s a way of trying to scent them. Called bunting, the behavior serves to express your cat’s playful affection and scent you at the same time. Cats scent everything around them to subtly dominate their environment. However, when they want their humans coated in their pheromones, it’s a sure sign they have picked them as their persons.

3. Grooming

Woman cutting cats nails, Veterinarian, pet groomer
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

Cats are obsessive groomers. Some breeds groom themselves incessantly. Being both predators and prey means they try to mask their smell as much as possible, which their saliva does by neutralizing the smell. However, when cats lick humans, they do it out of affection and to express how comfortable they are with them. Grooming, especially on the face of hair, is a huge sign your kitty likes you.

4. Kneading

Cat Hiding
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

Kittens knead from the day they are born. They do it instinctively to stimulate their mom’s milk production. Because of its association with nursing, kneading makes cats feel comfortable and relaxed. If your cat kneads when they see you, it’s a sign that your presence helps them release tension.

5. Quiet Meows

Cat Babies
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

Depending on how vocal your cat is, you may notice a different type of meow in response to your voice. If you speak to your kitty in a soft voice and they give you a short, soft meow in response, they’re effectively saying, “Hi, friend.”

6. Following You Around

Cat Cafe, Cats
Image Credit: Adam Jones from Kelowna, BC, Canada – Woman with Felines; A Cup Cafe – Chiang Rai – Thailand, CC BY-SA 2.0/Wiki Commons.

Is your kitty following you everywhere, not letting you out of their sight? That means your cat has imprinted on you and sees you as a source of security and trust. We love those who make us feel safe; our cats are no different.

7. Offering You Their Tummy

jumping orange cat
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

You should be honored if you’ve ever had a cat that flipped over and showed you their tummy. Bellies are the most vulnerable parts of a cat because they contain their vital organs. So, if they trust you enough to offer you their tummy, they trust you with their lives. 

8. Sitting on You

a bored cat laying on an armrest
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

Similarly to grooming you, sitting on you shows your cat trusts and enjoys your company. Sitting on you usually prompts you to pet your friend, meaning you’ll also get scented. Sitting on you is an efficient way for your kitty to accomplish things without doing any work. That’s the kind of genius only a cat can be.

9. Greeting You When You Come Home

Cat laying on laptop
Image Credit: Bogdan Sonjachnyj/Shutterstock.

If your cat is always waiting for you at the door when you get home or sits in a window where they can see you park your car or walk to the front door, they have missed you and can’t wait to hang out with you. If they also shake their tail rapidly, they’re telling you they didn’t just miss you, but they love that you’re back home to spend time with them and give them some delicious food.

10. Purring 

Cat chirping, meowing
Image Credit: sophiecat/Shutterstock.

Cats don’t only purr when they’re happy. They also do it to calm themselves in stressful situations, like when they go to the vet or are in pain. Yet, if your cat starts purring when they see you or you pet them, they express their affection for you and how comfortable you make them feel.

11. Hanging Out With You

a cat looks a baby's feet
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

In the same way, you enjoy hanging out with your friends even when you’re not doing anything in particular, if your cat likes you, they enjoy spending time with you. Cats bonded with their owners spend as much of their awake or asleep time where their owners are because they feel safe and comfortable with them.

12. Rubbing Against You

Gray cat rubbing legs
Image Credit: Aleks Silchenko/Shutterstock.

Rubbing against you is another way cats can scent you. In cat language, rubbing is a sign of getting acceptance, greetings, and love. When your cat rubs against you, you smell like a member of their family, and they accept you as such.

13. Bringing Gifts

Cat hunting mouse, predator, chase, run
Image Credit: Stefan_Sutka/Shutterstock.

If you’ve ever befriended an outdoor cat, you may have gotten a few stomach-churning presents from them in the form of a dead mouse or squirrel. While the gift was off-putting, its intent couldn’t be more different. Cats bring presents to reward you for caring for them and to show their love.

14. Curling Their Tail Around Your Ankle

Hugging Cat
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

Your cat may walk around you in circles and figure eights, curling their tails around your ankles. While this may be annoying (or dangerous, especially on and around stairs), the cat does it to express their interest in your presence. It’s also a good way to scent your ankles with the pheromone glands around their tails and mark you as theirs.

15. Sleeping With You

Cat in bed, waking person, woman, night, cell phone, awake
Image Credit: kudla/Shutterstock.

When humans or animals are asleep, they are the most vulnerable. If your kitty chooses to sleep with you at night, they trust you deeply and feel safe around you. That’s the ultimate sign they love you.

16. Treating You Like a Fellow Cat

Cat meowing
Image Credit: New Africa/Shutterstock.

A lot of the behaviors we discuss here, from kneading to licking to presenting us with gifts, are behaviors cats engage in when they’re among themselves. If your cat treats you like a fellow kitty, they consider you their surrogate parent and family. How could they not like you?

17. Guarding You When You’re Vulnerable

Cat in grass
Image Credit: Lukasz Ciesielski – Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0/Wiki Commons.

Does your cat sneak into the bathroom when you shower or use the facilities? If so, they’re doing it partly out of curiosity and partly because you’re vulnerable, and they want to watch over you. They don’t want you to encounter a monster in the shower without their protection!

18. Making Biscuits on You

Cat sleeping on blanket, kneading
Image Credit: K Lim/Shutterstock.

Making biscuits is a form of kneading. However, if your cat kneads on you and ensures their claws are firmly retracted as they do so, they’re once again treating you as a surrogate mom. Because the behavior is closely associated with kittenhood, it signifies love and playful affection.

19. Chatting With You

brown and white kitten making a funny face
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

Not all cats are chatters. On the other hand, some breeds, like the Siamese, are extremely talkative. Either way, if your cat meows in response to your voice and you can have a back-and-forth with them, they’re expressing their personality in your presence, which means they feel safe and loved.

20. Giving You Love Bites

Woman Holding Cat
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

Love bites usually happen when you and your feline have a cuddle or lie together in bed. These are soft nips and nibbles, never strong enough to cause pain or break the skin. Much like purring and licking you, love bites show that your kitty can relax around you and be their playful self.

21. Keeping Their Tail Curled Up When They See You

Cat and Dog 1
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

If your kitty’s tail goes up like a flagpole and curls at the end when they see you, they’re waving to you to say hi. They’re happy to see their trusted friend and can’t wait for interaction. Sometimes, cats greet each other with their tails in the same position, expressing familiarity and affection.

22. Chirruping When They See You

Cat Food
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

Does your kitty chirp and chirrup at you when they’re trying to get your attention? That’s a sound learned from their mothers during kittenhood. Just like their mama used these sounds to make the kittens check out something important, your cat is trying to show you something that’s making them happy or excited.

23. Staring

Shocked Cat
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

A cat that stares at you may seem intimidating, especially if their pupils are dilated, and their bodies seem stiff. However, when your cat stares at you intently and then gives you slow blinks, they communicate their affection by giving you their version of a friendly smile.

24. Tolerating Human Displays of Affection

Cat Door Black Cat
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

Finally, the best way to tell if your cat likes you is to show it affection. Any cat who tolerates human displays of affection like pets, kisses, and scratches, or worse, answering to a name like Medusa, definitely likes you. They may find you a bit over-the-top and annoying, yet they like you nevertheless.

Author: Roxana Loomes

Title: Trending Topics Writer

Expertise: Marketing, Tech, Travel, Food, Pets, Lifestyle, Entertainment


Roxana is a writer and editor based in Vancouver, Canada. She has an English degree from Michigan State University and has been a writer for over five years, mostly covering marketing, travel and lifestyle, pets, food, and tech topics. Roxana spends her free time watching movie classics and making great meals for her family.